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매염방(梅艳芳)의 인지구~

故가수 매염방(梅艳芳).

그녀가 장국영과 같이 영화 胭脂扣(인지구)를 출연해 '스크린커플'이 되었는데요~

인연인지 운명인지...장국영 별세 8개월 뒤에 매염방도 으로 세상 떠났습니다 .ㅠㅠ

하지만, 그녀가 훌륭한 가수 겸 배우로써 대중에게 지울 수 없는 아름다운 목소리를 남겼습니다.

영화 인지구의 주제곡과 함께 그녀를 다시 추모해봅니다...


--------가 사---------

誓言幻作烟云字 (All the promise has gone)
费尽千般心思 (What I was worried about...)
情象火灼般热 (Love is hot like fire)
怎烧一生一世 (How to burn forever?)
延续不容易 (Hard to pertain)
负情是你的名字 (Betrayer is your name)
错付千般相思 (Betrayed my love)
情象水向东逝去 (All love has gone like stream flows)
痴心枉倾注 (All love is a waste)
愿那天未曾遇 (Wish I haven't known you before)
只盼相依 (We could depend on eachother)
那管见尽遗憾世事 (So many things to regret in life)
渐老芳华 (With wrinkles grow)
爱火未减人面变异 (Love remain still but people change)
祈求在那天重遇 (Wish to see you on that day)
诉尽千般相思 (Pray harder for the love)
祈望不再辜负我 (Pray for your faith on me)
痴心的关注 (Only for you)
人被爱留住 (Love stays)
问哪天会重遇 (But when shall we meet again?)